What month is the best weather in Bali for travel?

Weather in Bali

The climate in Bali is equatorial and subequatorial, maritime. Summer lasts almost all year round. There are two seasons: dry - from April to October, and wet - from November to March. During the wet season, there is an average of 10 rains per month, half of which occurs at night. The average air temperature is +30 degrees, water +25-+29 degrees, which allows tourists to swim all year round. Humidity is low, on average it stays around 75% and is easily tolerated, the wind sometimes intensifies and helps to cope with the heat. The sun is quite strong here, so when you are in the sun (whether on the beach, on a tour or just for a walk), we recommend using sunscreen.
Weather on the island of Bali by months:

It is considered the wettest month on the island. During the day, the thermometer can reach +34 degrees, but the hot day is replaced by torrential tropical rains.

Weather conditions do not differ much from the weather in January. The air warms up to +31…+33 degrees during the day. The local population, as a rule, plan their business for the second part of the day, after 16.00, when the sun becomes less dangerous.

Precipitation is gradually receding, because the dry season will soon begin. However, the weather remains cloudy at times. During the day the temperature is +26…+29 degrees. At night the temperature drops to +24.

The rainy season is receding, the sun is increasingly appearing in the sky and there are more and more sunny days, which means you can relax even better. The thermometer during the day shows +32 degrees.

It is considered the coolest month by the standards of local residents, but not by the standards of Russian-speaking tourists who arrive from Russia and the CIS countries. During the day, the thermometer shows +27 degrees, but at night it drops to +20.

There are practically no precipitations. Air temperature +26…+28 degrees. Very nice weather!

The weather is the same, not particularly hot, the nights are cool. You can sunbathe, swim, go on excursions, explore the surroundings, engage in water and active entertainment.

The driest month. Rains are very rare and short-lived. During the day, the thermometer shows +30 degrees, and at night +22, the sea is very warm +28 degrees. The sun during the day is dangerous, you need to use sunscreen.

The temperature during the day is +31 degrees, at night +22. Mostly sunny weather, you can relax on the beach all day long, go shopping, go diving or surfing. You will definitely like this climate.

The daytime temperature fluctuates between +26…+32 degrees. Gusty winds bring dry and hot air. It doesn't rain that often yet, but the humidity is gradually increasing.

The month is characterized by frequent rains. Do not be afraid, it does not rain every day, the weather will also delight you with sunny days. In clear weather, sun protection is a must.

Monsoons come to the island. Rains are frequent, but short-term, rarely they can drag on for several days. The ocean heats up to +30 degrees.
Bali weather is always changeable and there is no fixed pattern or predictability. Therefore, no one can guarantee that it will always rain in December! Most often, ideal sunny days with little humidity occur in December. In my experience, January-February tends to be wetter than December!