These are larger animal relief funds, but there are many other charitable organizations and volunteers on the island who help dogs in various ways, vaccinate and rehabilitate them.
Among them, there are also organizations that do not advertise themselves, since their activities do not have legal force and, therefore, are not legal. Some of them have more than 50 dogs. And they quietly do their good deed to the best of their ability.
Now there are many homeless animals on the island that need people's support, both material and physical as a volunteer. Charity donations help pay endless veterinary bills, treat suffering animals, and humanely reduce them by spaying. Sometimes it is simply necessary to lend a helping hand to needy animals, when the state does not care about this problem, to develop a society of animal defenders and establish new funds.
Such organizations always need help. If you feel and you have the opportunity, you can always go to their website on your own and organize some kind of help. In addition to financial assistance, such organizations are always happy to accept volunteers, but for this you need to be on the island.